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De specialisten van Future XL zijn veelgevraagd sprekers op congressen, op radio en internet, maar publiceert ook zelf via o.a. blogs en boeken.
Commercial mass-suveillance
Wesley and Ken delve deeper into the origin of the commercial mass surveillance mechanism via the well-known Big Tech companies.
A single perspective can deceive; How to integrate risk & performance
Organizations worldwide are investing massively in financial and non-financial risk management. Processes, controls, tooling, education….. the lot!. Nevertheless, their executive boards invariably deal with it defensively and see it as a regulatory dissatisfier. Why is that? Surely not only to keep heir license to operate?
It’s all in the data, part 4
The fourth entry in this series on digital transformation is about the IT transition. Because that’s how many companies see it.
Pension funds and their investment policy; a breach of trust or an opportunity?
Patterns of responsibility is the title of a book by Henk van Luijck, former professor of Nijenrode, on business ethics and corporate governance. In it he distinguishes two approaches to these themes; a compliance strategy and an integrity strategy.
It’s all in the data, part 3
In the third video in the digital transformation series, we talk about laws and regulations. The AVG and GDPR are drivers for digital transformation.
It’s all in the data, part 2
In the second video in this series, we focus on the financial aspects of digital transformation. After all, the goal is to create value. But if you don’t apply it properly, it rather destroys value.
It’s all in the data, stupid!
Denise Pellinkhof interviewt Ken van Ierlant. Hij is directeur van FutureXL, heeft 45 jaar ervaring in digitale transformatie en is de auteur van het boek ‘Data – waarde – creatie: hoe geld verdienen in het digitale tijdperk’.
The building blocks of digital transformation
In 2017, the IDC indicated through a study that every company would have to deal with digital disruption. (“Become a Data Thriver: Realize Data Driven Digital Transformation,” Nov 2017) 2017). And that the effect would be large on many companies.
How do you start digital transformation?
FutureXL directs the digital transformation projects. All necessary disciplines are brought together from an ecosystem. By optimally aligning operational business processes and technology, a super-efficient operational model is created.
Digital transformation 4.0
Digital Transformation 4.0 actually says it itself: this is not about an incremental transformation, but about a step-change change, aimed at disruption and exponential value creation by using DATA to guarantee the continuity of the organization.
Data as the new gold, false prophets in an innovation theater and lipstick on a pig
In his new book Data-Value-Creatie, how to earn money in the digital age, Ken van Ierlant smashes the IT infrastructure of organizations in the Netherlands with a huge sledgehammer blow.
From application-centric to data-centric
What is nowadays called digitization is in fact nothing more or less than the automation of non-automated processes in the front end.
Strategische digitalisering nu!
De jaren 2020 zullen in veel opzichten een reprise van de jaren 1920 zijn. Er komt een enorme, door technologie aangestuurde innovatiegolf onze kant op.
Strategic digitization now!
The 2020s will be a reprise of the 1920s in many ways. A huge, tech-driven innovation wave is coming our way.
Digital Transformation does not work without a holistic approach
Although COVID-19 puts enormous pressure on turnover at many companies, this virus also has positive sides. Companies are forced to critically evaluate their current revenue model and organizational structure. T
Time-to-Market: How Flow Traders Beat the Competition
When it comes to day trading in the stock market, every second can be the difference between a huge profit and a huge loss. Especially when it comes to High Frequency Trading where every millisecond is of enormous importance.
Tesla’s secret. Your organization can do this too!
Tesla has been one of the most talked about companies in recent months. Where the company has been in the news in recent years mainly because the balance sheet value was under enormous pressure.
Data-driven Formula 1 is an example for organizations
Making real-time decisions with a data-centric platform is the only way to win! (Reduce costs, boost cash flow)
See ICT as a revenue model, not as a cost item
The financial impact of digital technologies is grossly underestimated, according to Ken van Ierlant, digital thought leader and director at FutureXL. “We don’t seem to accept a new reality easily.”
Digital transformation, but for real
In 2022 you will see many organizations using advanced digital techniques. Some even see an opportunity to fully digitize a large part of their processes. But is this also digital transformation? Not necessarily.
Link bad data and failure of digital transformation
With a pizza, the generic base is just as important as the different fillings on it. After all, a bad base ruins any pizza, no matter how good and tasty the content is. The same applies to data and applications
The new mantra: Data
As soon as you as an organization have found a suitable answer to Simon Simek’s WHY question, the following mantra will be discussed: DATA. Or better, data-driven working. This is now an existential topic for many organizations.
Culture Hacks for Successful Digital Transformation
We are currently on the eve of a revolution in which new rules arise and society and organizations are redesigned. The worldwide rapid technological developments are the basis of this revolution.